From alan.pope at Tue Feb 8 15:52:43 2005
From: alan.pope at (Alan Pope)
Date: Tue Feb 8 15:52:46 2005
Subject: [PolarBlog] Upgrading to 1.5.2
Message-ID: <>
Hello all.
I have upgraded my blog to the latest version. It kinda screwed up a
little. I think I followed the docu correctly. I figured that it might
be good to move my blog to /blog/ rather than have it in the root, so
did that during the upgrade. First problem was..
Warning: file(./lang/I18N_LANG.lang): failed to open stream: No such
file or directory in
/var/www/ on line 125
I had no idea how to fix this so I fudged it in the short term by
copying ./lang/en_US.lang to I18N_LANG.lang and it works.
Next I had a problem with the slashes. I noted a difference between my
config.php and config.php.dist and changed the bit at the top to..
//--- PolarBlog Base URL
$http = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) ? 'https://' : 'http://';
$dir = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
$base_url = $http . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . ((strlen($dir) <=
1) ? $dir : $dir . '/');
define('BASE_URL', $base_url);
However I now still have a trailing slash in some places. For example
in the RSS feed..
It has...
However if I do as has been suggested in the past..
$base_url = $http . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . ((strlen($dir) <=
1) ? $dir : $dir . '');
Then it breaks the links to the rss feed making them /blogrss.php, and
also breaks the links to the images/logos.
Any clues?
From alan.pope at Tue Feb 8 16:40:18 2005
From: alan.pope at (Alan Pope)
Date: Tue Feb 8 16:40:09 2005
Subject: [PolarBlog] Re: Upgrading to 1.5.2
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>
On Tue, 8 Feb 2005 20:52:43 +0000, Alan Pope wrote:
> Hello all.
Ok, I'll shutup now, I've figured out it was all my fault for not
migrating some key entries from config.php.dist to config.php.
Promise I wont do it again.
From sdrumm at Sun Feb 13 13:11:31 2005
From: sdrumm at (Scott Drumm)
Date: Sun Feb 13 17:07:57 2005
Subject: [PolarBlog] new database
Message-ID: <>
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From kevinp at Sun Feb 13 17:16:27 2005
From: kevinp at (Kevin L. Papendick)
Date: Sun Feb 13 17:16:38 2005
Subject: [PolarBlog] new database
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>
If you want to post to the mailing list you need to join it first. I manually
approved this message so I could reply. You will be unable to reply or post
again unless you join the list. Sorry, but it cuts down on spam and the amount
of work I have to do. :)
I regard to your problem, It sounds as if you have not selected a DB in which to
install PolarBlog. Based on what you have below I would assume that you
expected PB to create the database "polarblog" before installing. This is not
the case and I should probably update the documentation to make this clearer.
Once you have created the database it should install without incident.
I have nothing to do with the Gentoo Portage version. I would highly recommend
that you download V1.5.2 before continuing to attempt to install PB. A whole
lot has changed since V1.0.2.
I'm trying to setup PolarBlog 1.02 on a Gentoo box running Apache 2.0.52-r1,
MySQL 4.0.22-r2, and PHP 4.3.10. During execution of install.php, I'm receiving
the following error message:
DB Error: No Database Selected
DB Error: No Database Selected
DB Error: No Database Selected
DB Error: No Database Selected
Damn, your New Installation did not complete succesfully! There should be query
error message(s) listed above that should help you diagnose the problem.
WARNING!!! If you are not going to fix this problem at this time, you should
immediately delete the "install.php" file to prevent tampering with your
The mailing list mentioned that this error could be caused by a faulty
PB_SESSION_PATH settings; however, I think mine is correct (see below). Any
suggestions as to how to fix this? MySQL is running on localhost only and
listening on 3306.
FWIW, v1.02 is the latest version in the Gentoo Portage tree...If you think the
problem might be solved by downloading PolarBlog v1.52, I can certainly do so.
Thanks for the help!!
//--- Path to Class Libraries
define('LIB_PATH', '/var/www/localhost/htdocs/polarblog/lib/');
//--- Admin PHP session name
define('PB_SESSION_PATH', '/tmp/');
//--- Admin PHP session name
define('PB_SESSION_NAME', 'PolarBlog');
//--- Database Connection
//--- Database table prefix value
define('DB_PREFIX', 'pb_');
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
define('DB_NAME', 'polarblog');
define('DB_USER', 'user');
define('DB_PASSWD', 'secret');
Quoting Scott Drumm :
> Kevin,
> I'm trying to setup PolarBlog 1.02 on a Gentoo box running Apache
> 2.0.52-r1, MySQL 4.0.22-r2, and PHP 4.3.10. During execution of
> install.php, I'm receiving the following error message:
> DB Error: No Database Selected
> DB Error: No Database Selected
> DB Error: No Database Selected
> DB Error: No Database Selected
> Damn, your New Installation did not complete succesfully! There
> should be query error message(s) listed above that should help you
> diagnose the problem.
> WARNING!!! If you are not going to fix this
> problem at this time, you should immediately delete the "install.php"
> file to prevent tampering with your system!
> The mailing list mentioned that this error could be caused by a faulty
> PB_SESSION_PATH settings; however, I think mine is correct (see
> below). Any suggestions as to how to fix this? MySQL is running on
> localhost only and listening on 3306.
> FWIW, v1.02 is the latest version in the Gentoo Portage tree...If you
> think the problem might be solved by downloading PolarBlog v1.52, I can
> certainly do so.
> Thanks for the help!!
> config.php:
> //--- Path to Class Libraries
> define('LIB_PATH', '/var/www/localhost/htdocs/polarblog/lib/');
> //--- Admin PHP session name
> define('PB_SESSION_PATH', '/tmp/');
> //--- Admin PHP session name
> define('PB_SESSION_NAME', 'PolarBlog');
> //--- Database Connection
> //--- Database table prefix value
> define('DB_PREFIX', 'pb_');
> define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
> define('DB_NAME', 'polarblog');
> define('DB_USER', 'user');
> define('DB_PASSWD', 'secret');
Kevin L. Papendick
From jzitt at Sun Feb 20 03:13:08 2005
From: jzitt at (Joseph Zitt)
Date: Sun Feb 20 03:13:26 2005
Subject: [PolarBlog] New Polarblog-based blog
Message-ID: <>
Hi, all! My new blog is up and running at
Thanks to Kevin for his creation of Polarblog, and for his patient help
in helping me integrate it into the design of my site.
From jzitt at Fri Feb 25 02:09:06 2005
From: jzitt at (Joseph Zitt)
Date: Fri Feb 25 02:09:16 2005
Subject: [PolarBlog] Wrapping a paragraph?
Message-ID: <>
As I look at my blog home page, , under
both Mozilla Firefox and Konqueror, I see that the photo in the first
paragraph of the latest entry, dated 09:44PM February 24, 2005, is
taller than the paragraph. The pb_body block around that paragraph,
however, which is differently colored from its surroundings, doesn't
account for the height of the photo, so that the photo breaks out of
that box and juts below it. Is there away (possibly in the CSS
definition) to get the design to account for that?
Unrelatedly: in looking at the page under Konqueror, I see that it
doesn't understand the character, "&hellip", used for the ellipsis in
"Read More..." But I'm not sure if this is enough of a problem to
address. Does IE render it properly? If it and Firefox do, I would guess
that that's a low priority issue.
And while I'm here... I kinda miss the links at the bottom of messages
under PW to the previous and next messages. The calendar block on
Polarblog pages might handle some of that, but the links were quite
useful for walking through a blog message by message.
From michael at Fri Feb 25 03:01:09 2005
From: michael at (Michael Wayne Harwood)
Date: Fri Feb 25 10:02:35 2005
Subject: [PolarBlog] Wrapping a paragraph?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>
Hey all,
I run Gentoo Linux, and I have installed polarblog v1.02. When I
attempt to hit the install.php page I get nothing but a blank page - can
anyone help me??
Michael Harwood
From kevinp at Fri Feb 25 13:25:30 2005
From: kevinp at (Kevin L. Papendick)
Date: Fri Feb 25 13:25:36 2005
Subject: [PolarBlog] Wrapping a paragraph?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>
Quoting Joseph Zitt :
> As I look at my blog home page, , under
> both Mozilla Firefox and Konqueror, I see that the photo in the first
> paragraph of the latest entry, dated 09:44PM February 24, 2005, is
> taller than the paragraph. The pb_body block around that paragraph,
> however, which is differently colored from its surroundings, doesn't
> account for the height of the photo, so that the photo breaks out of
> that box and juts below it. Is there away (possibly in the CSS
> definition) to get the design to account for that?
I don't see anything substantially different in your page's source code or
anything you changed in the CSS that would cause this to happen. I
post photos
in my blog both along with text as you have and as just photos (photoblog) and
the pb_body encloses the whole thing. I'll try testing it on mine to see if I
can come up with something more.
> Unrelatedly: in looking at the page under Konqueror, I see that it
> doesn't understand the character, "&hellip", used for the ellipsis in
> "Read More..." But I'm not sure if this is enough of a problem to
> address. Does IE render it properly? If it and Firefox do, I would guess
> that that's a low priority issue.
This was a recent change (V1.5.1) because there was a problem reported with it
when using the German language module. It would appear that this is not a
language issue, but rather a Konqueror issue. It renders fine in IE and
Firefox. Previously this was &8320;
> And while I'm here... I kinda miss the links at the bottom of messages
> under PW to the previous and next messages. The calendar block on
> Polarblog pages might handle some of that, but the links were quite
> useful for walking through a blog message by message.
I'll add this to the request list, but it will likely be sometime before it is
implemented. I have higher priority issues and PB is currently on development
hiatus while I work on some other projects.
> _______________________________________________
> Polarblog mailing list
Kevin L. Papendick
From kevinp at Fri Feb 25 16:59:20 2005
From: kevinp at (Kevin L. Papendick)
Date: Fri Feb 25 16:59:26 2005
Subject: [PolarBlog] Installation Problem
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>
What does the source code of the "blank" page look like? Do you get
anything at
all? I need to know where the page ends. Also what version of PHP are you
Quoting Michael Wayne Harwood :
> Kevin,
> PHP is definately working (v4.3.10). Other scripts work just fine
> including the phpinfo() script you refernced... Is there something
> specific I can provide to help you help me?? I hesitate to send the
> results of phpinfo as it's very long - let me know if you'd like me to
> send it...
> Regards,
> Michael Harwood
> Kevin L. Papendick wrote:
>> Michael,
>> You haven't provided a lot of information here. Do other PHP apps run okay?
>> What version of PHP are you running? Read/try this:
>> -klp
Kevin L. Papendick
From michael at Fri Feb 25 10:01:19 2005
From: michael at (Michael Wayne Harwood)
Date: Fri Feb 25 17:02:37 2005
Subject: [PolarBlog] Installation Problem
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>
The version is PHP v4.3.10
Kevin L. Papendick wrote:
> Michael,
> What does the source code of the "blank" page look like? Do you get
> anything at
> all? I need to know where the page ends. Also what version of PHP
> are you
> using?
> -klp
> Quoting Michael Wayne Harwood :
>> Kevin,
>> PHP is definately working (v4.3.10). Other scripts work just fine
>> including the phpinfo() script you refernced... Is there something
>> specific I can provide to help you help me?? I hesitate to send the
>> results of phpinfo as it's very long - let me know if you'd like me to
>> send it...
>> Regards,
>> Michael Harwood
>> Kevin L. Papendick wrote:
>>> Michael,
>>> You haven't provided a lot of information here. Do other PHP apps
>>> run okay?
>>> What version of PHP are you running? Read/try this:
>>> -klp
From kevinp at Sat Feb 26 07:35:10 2005
From: kevinp at (Kevin L. Papendick)
Date: Sat Feb 26 07:35:13 2005
Subject: [PolarBlog] Installation Problem
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>
Okay it's certainly not a version issue as you are current and that
should work
just fine. The point at which the install script dies is the first time the
page jumps into PHP mode. I believe there was someone else who had similar
problems and it was an Apache/PHP issue.
Make a copy of the install script and then edit it from the point it is
failing...just after . There is an if/else block at this point. It
should be entering the "else" block. You might want to put something before
the if starts like this:
echo "this is a test";
And then access it again. If that works, move it inside the else block
and see
if it still works. I'm guessing none of this is going to work because the PHP
is not being parsed. I'd suggest checking your server logs. I'm working on
the assumption that this is on the domain. When I go to your site I get a
blank page. The server responds, but the page I get is:
There should be no reason that the installation script should not at least
display. If you can get that far and have problems with setting up the
database I can help you. But this problem appears to be a more fundamental
server issue.
If you would like to send me a URL where I can access this I'll look at
it some
Quoting Michael Wayne Harwood :
> The version is PHP v4.3.10
> "">
> PolarBlog
> Kevin L. Papendick wrote:
>> Michael,
>> What does the source code of the "blank" page look like? Do you get
>> anything at
>> all? I need to know where the page ends. Also what version of PHP are you
>> using?
>> -klp
>> Quoting Michael Wayne Harwood :
>>> Kevin,
>>> PHP is definately working (v4.3.10). Other scripts work just fine
>>> including the phpinfo() script you refernced... Is there something
>>> specific I can provide to help you help me?? I hesitate to send the
>>> results of phpinfo as it's very long - let me know if you'd like me to
>>> send it...
>>> Regards,
>>> Michael Harwood
>>> Kevin L. Papendick wrote:
>>>> Michael,
>>>> You haven't provided a lot of information here. Do other PHP apps
>>>> run okay?
>>>> What version of PHP are you running? Read/try this:
>>>> -klp
Kevin L. Papendick
From kevinp at Sun Feb 27 14:38:03 2005
From: kevinp at (Kevin L. Papendick)
Date: Sun Feb 27 14:38:05 2005
Subject: [PolarBlog] Installation Problem
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>
Yeah, it looks to me as if it's crapping out when it tries to parse the PHP.
Wait a minute...was your version of PHP compiled with MySQL support? The page
is reading and including the config file properly because the title is
set from
the config file and that's there. I'm now guessing that as soon as it
tries to
connect to the DB it is failing.
Quoting Michael Wayne Harwood :
> Kevin,
> Thanks for your help! You can access the blog page on my domain at
> . When I have some time
> today I will start looking into what you have suggested. I looked at
> the Apache logs but saw no glaring error, and PHP seems to be working
> since my Squirrelmail and other tests have worked out fine.
> Regards,
> Michale Harwood
> Kevin L. Papendick wrote:
>> Michael,
>> Okay it's certainly not a version issue as you are current and that
>> should work
>> just fine. The point at which the install script dies is the first time the
>> page jumps into PHP mode. I believe there was someone else who had similar
>> problems and it was an Apache/PHP issue.
>> Make a copy of the install script and then edit it from the point it is
>> failing...just after . There is an if/else block at this point. It
>> should be entering the "else" block. You might want to put something before
>> the if starts like this:
>> echo "this is a test";
>> exit;
>> And then access it again. If that works, move it inside the else
>> block and see
>> if it still works. I'm guessing none of this is going to work
>> because the PHP
>> is not being parsed. I'd suggest checking your server logs. I'm working on
>> the assumption that this is on the domain. When I go to your site I get a
>> blank page. The server responds, but the page I get is:
>> There should be no reason that the installation script should not at least
>> display. If you can get that far and have problems with setting up the
>> database I can help you. But this problem appears to be a more fundamental
>> server issue.
>> If you would like to send me a URL where I can access this I'll look
>> at it some
>> more.
>> -klp
Kevin L. Papendick